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Voices of Older Adults are Heard

News release February 2022

In 2016, 13% or 180,000 of Peel residents were over 65 years and by 2041 that number will increase to 20% or 276,000.

Peel Council on Aging (PCoA) is a not-for-profit collective of organizations and individuals whose vision is to advance ‘healthy aging for all in a connected and caring community’.

Myrna Adams, PCoA Board of Directors Chair explains that “not only will Peel Council on Aging be a resource for Peel older adults, their families, caregivers, and service providers but it will help build capacity by supporting organizations, including the Region of Peel and local municipalities, whose primary role it is to deliver programs and services to older adults.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a movement towards an age-friendly world and highlighted the need for cities and communities to deliver better outcomes for older adults. It was realized that what is good for older people is good for everyone and by using an age-friendly lens we have a life course perspective.

PCoA incorporated the WHO eight domains that influence the health and quality of life of older people into their structure. PCoA will initially focus on Housing, Healthy Aging, Safety, Staying Mobile, and Building Community.

“There is a critical need to reach more isolated and marginalized older adults and especially those from diverse backgrounds. PCoA will provide the leadership to facilitate the collaboration in the Region to better meet the current and future needs of the older person” states Adams.

PCoA acknowledges and sincerely thanks the Region of Peel for funding that supported the development of the Council, Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network members and Steering Committee for their insight in the PCoA vision, and Peel Senior Link for providing leadership.

The first project PCoA will undertake is a community engagement survey. The survey results will provide important information to help organizations and groups identify gaps in programs and services, and the resources needed to respond to both the challenges and opportunities resulting from the pandemic.

The survey is available online and in print.

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience to ensure the voices of local older adults are heard and incorporated into decisions about future programs and services.


500 surveys were completed. The results were summarized in the report, “Impact of covid-19 on adults 50+ living in the Region of Peel”.

Summary of the Survey Results