In 2015, Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network (PEAPN) conducted community consultation that identified a need for an organization who could collaborate with stakeholders to develop a regional strategic vision to support “Healthy aging for all in a connected and caring community”.
After researching different models, Peel Council on Aging (PCoA) developed a structure and governance that met the needs of our community. In 2021, PCoA recruited an inaugural Board of Directors and we became incorporated.
Our success can be attributed to engaging the community through the groundwork, planning, implementation and launch. We also recognize the support of the Region of Peel.
In 2015, Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network (PEAPN) under the leadership of Catholic Family Service Peel-Dufferin, received funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to investigate how system navigation could be improved to ensure Peel older adults have better access to the programs and services available. PEAPN conducted surveys and focus groups where we heard from both individuals and service providers that Peel region needed:
- Better access to systems navigation supports and community hubs
- A way to connect formal and informal care
- Focus on identifying and supporting vulnerable and socially isolated seniors
- To build organizational excellence by encouraging senior-informed, personalized, centralized, and equitable service delivery
Through the Collective Impact project, it was realized there was a need for two organizations; PEAPN with the mandate to focus on elder abuse and the Peel Council on Aging who would collaborate with stakeholders to develop a larger regional strategic vision to support “Healthy aging for all in a connected and caring community”.
Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network (PEAPN)
In 2019, Family Service of Peel became the lead agency of PEAPN. The new PEAPN Vision is that Peel region be a community “where older adults are valued, respected and can live free from abuse”. PEAPN’s mandate is to:
- improve the safety and well-being of older adults through education and awareness;
- support agencies to identify and address elder abuse;
- improve access to seamless services and supports for older adults; and
- gather information on elder abuse in Peel to ensure appropriate supports are available.
Peel Council on Aging (PCoA)
Peel Senior Link, who provides leadership at many collaborative tables and helps seniors live at home independently with integrated supports and services became the lead organization of PCoA.
PCoA, through Peel Senior Link, received Region of Peel, Organizational Effectiveness funding to develop the PCoA Terms of Reference and By-laws. We explored best practices from the 11 Councils on Aging in Ontario and developed a structure and governance model that reflected our local needs. In 2020, we released our draft Terms of Reference, conducted community engagement, and incorporated the feedback into our governance documents. In 2021, PCoA recruited an inaugural Board of Directors and we became incorporated.
In 2021, older adults in Peel, like others around the world, were showing adverse health impacts related to the effects of COVID-19. PCoA received funding from the Region of Peel Change Fund to conduct a survey that identified the impact of the pandemic. The results will inform future action of PCoA and our member organizations.
Impact of COVID-19 on adults 50+ living in the Region of Peel (PDF)
The funding also allowed us to conduct an environmental scan to ensure broad and diverse representation at each of the five PCoA Roundtables; Healthy Aging, Housing, Staying Mobile, Building Community, and Safety. We recruited individual and organization members from the three municipalities.
In 2021-2022, we developed a Communication Strategy that included designing the PCoA logo and branding, an internal communication portal on the Region of Peel Teams platform, and recruitment tools.
Funding provided by the 2022-2023 Region of Peel Change Fund will support the PCoA through our launch. The PCoA Coordinator started in May 2023. We expect to move to the Region of Peel, Seniors Health and Wellness Village at Peel Manor in the Fall of 2023.
The first Roundtable meetings were held in October 2022 and will be scheduled bi-monthly. The first AGM and Board of Directors election was held in May of 2023.
The inaugural PCoA Summit on Aging was held. On May 10, 2023, it marked a significant milestone in addressing the needs and opportunities related of aging populations and bringing together local stakeholders, families, seniors, and young adults. The Summit was a success, providing a platform for meaningful discussions, innovative ideas, and collaborative solutions. This event sparked inspiration and laid the foundation for future endeavours in improving the lives of older adults.